In having a social networking website, your goal should be to make money. There are ways to tune your social networking software to achieve financial success. Money could be generated by selling particular products, and providing premium services. But, in order that the users of your website buy your products, customer loyalty is very much needed. This grows with the users staying on your website for longer period of time, building up a social base by inviting others to join your social networking website. Every message sent by the user to another, generates a notification, which carries the name of your social networking website, and along with it your marketing messages get exposed.
Never-the-less, in order to make your social networking website earn money, you will need to advertise. Every advertisement cost money, and no matter what, it is the advertisement that will make individuals and organizations come on to your website, to explore what you offer. There is then the question of retaining them. To retain these users, your social network software should be able to provide the tools which are of interest to them. It may be in form of allowing blogging, sharing music files, posting of movie reviews, or pictures. In some of the existing social networks, the user's log-in information has been used to invite in their entire network of friends from other sites. It is the question of building up a crowd, and formation of groups and communities.
Customers are retained through the interest that your social networking website generates. User trust brings in faith, and word of the mouth travels, and your customer database keeps on growing. With such a huge customer base, you start to attract well known web business to advertise on your website, and that is big money. Not only that you get paid for the advertisement, in some cases you get to share the revenue generated from those advertisement. Your website cannot cater to all interests in the world, and therefore, before you venture into a social networking website, you need to make a survey and find out which group you want to cater for. For example, your primary strategy would be offering match-making services, or it just could be jobs that you would advertise. For match-making services, you would charge the users in utilizing this premium service, while you would charge the advertiser to advertise jobs on your website.
There are various ways that your social networking software can generate money for you. For such a revenue earner website, you would need to generate interest in the users, offering them free of cost services of their interest and try and retain them. As long as you can retain these users, social base will go on being created on your site, and users would tend to spend more time, socializing with their groups and communities.
A social networking software helps to connect people/and or organizations all over the world, for mutual or business interests. Such a network is comprised of nodes and ties, where the nodes are the users and the ties are the variety of relationships that they build up. Social networking websites comprise of large communities, and crosses every language barrier and border. These are huge network of social base and maps a large beneficial function from family units up to cities, countries, and professional organizations. This social networking works on the users building up their social contacts, inviting friends to join, exchanging information, and sharing parts of their lives.
If you have a social networking websites, your customer base must build up first. This is the base which creates faith and trust, and brings in customer loyalty, without which revenue generation is impossible. The social networking software that you have chosen must provide the right tools, which interest the users. Your website must stand out to the competition that exists on the web, and offer services and products of interest. Building up a large customer base would mean that other internet business sites would want to advertise on yours, and with revenue sharing, your social networking website can become a financial success.
To convey your marketing message over the net, you may need to advertise indirectly, which would draw curious individuals and organizations to your social networking website. You would need to retain these users, and as they create a social base on your site, they spend longer time socializing. The longer time they remain on your social network, your marketing messages get more and more noticed. Eventually, the users opt for your premium services, and opportunities arise for the sale of your products. You should be reliable and consistent in what you offer. You should look for fresh ideas from the feedback that you get from your users. There may be products in demand that yiu can provide but do not have it on your product list as yet. Adding such products is an additional money maker for you.
The primary aspect is the continued participation of the users on your site. The best site is where long term relationships are formed. The more time that the users remain on your social networking website, there are more opportunities for you to get noticed. As you get more and more noticed, your business flows in.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Making Money and Getting Your Community Site Noticed!
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
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