In the earlier days of internet marketing, when the web was less populated, most folks trying make a living online didn’t really try to target a particular population with precision. Many of the products offered were of a more “universal” appeal to anyone online and the idea was simply to reach as many people as possible.
Now that the internet is populated by millions of people pursuing a variety of specialized interests, internet marketing has become far more precise in its targeting.
Today, the “buzzword” for many in the marketing business is “niche.”
A niche is a subset of a larger population that shares a particularized interest. Some niches can be quite small, others may be larger. The idea, however, that is important is that they have sufficiently similar characteristics that they can be successfully marketed to as a group.
Internet marketers look for niches that are underserved. In other words, their interest often lies with those groups that have a special core interest to which others are not yet adequately catering. If you can find a significantly sized niche group and find out what it wants, you are positioned to make a healthy profit.
Boiled down to a simple process, the niche marketing strategy works like this. First, identify a discrete niche. Second, verify that the niche is underserved by the existing market. Third, determine the type of product most likely to appeal to members of the niche. Fourth, create, locate or obtain a suitable product.
Finally, sell the product to that niche.
Each of the five steps involves research, effort and hard work.
The results, however, can be amazing. Niche marketing is a perfect example of how many existing online marketing successes work smart in addition to working hard. Internet marketers look for niches that are underserved. In other words, their interest often lies with those groups that have a special core interest to which others are not yet adequately catering. If you can find a significantly sized niche group and find out what it wants, you are positioned to make a healthy profit.
By isolating the right niche and finding the right product, they encounter little sales resistance and can post well above-average conversion rates for their efforts. Instead of competing against thousands of other marketers for business, they are able to work in an area that is far less competitive, giving them an edge.
There is, of course, a downside.
A niche, by its nature, is a subset.
It’s a smaller group.
There are only so many people you can reach and sell to within the niche. Thus, its income production potential is capped somewhat. However, most of those who succeed in niche marketing are able to produce income equivalent or exceeding that earned by those working in larger markets. They may not have as many potential buyers at their disposal, but they make up for that fact with a higher sales percentage.
If you are considering duplicating a successful internet marketing strategy, familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of niche marketing.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
What are the benefits Of Todays Niche Marketing Opportunities
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008
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